ody art or body modification have been around for ages. Enjoy these pictures of tattoo art, tattoo design and body artwork.
Stupendous Celebrity Tattoos
As many people know, Angelina Jolie is one of the most popular tattooed actresses today. She flaunts over a dozen tattoos, each with their own meaning. Angelina Jolie is such a fan of tattoos that always have plans for the future. In fact, she made the dragon tattoo the most popular among women. When it comes to tattoos and famous actresses, it's sure that the name of Pamela Anderson will be taken up. Arm band was made popular almost entirely due to Pamela Anderson. He also put emphasis on the barbed wire tattoo as it marks one of the most famous.
Mike Tyson sports a facial tattoo is of Maori influence. While the tattoo did not exactly cause a boom in applied facial tattoos, it was proved between tattoo enthusiasts. Johnny Depp is one of the actors recognize as very tattoos. He was decorated with more than twelve known tattoos with stories behind them. Depp's tattoo on right bicep is the most famous. When Johnny Depp and Wynona Ryder are the same, he had "Wynona Forever" tattooed on his arm. When the relationship ended, has been modified to say "Wino Forever." Examples of good tattoos should be thought through before taking a leap.
Tattoo - Famous Female Celebrities
Some of the more popular celebrities and their famous tattoos are:
She has tattoos located on her lower back, shoulder blade, left arm and perhaps scores of tiny tattoos not easily captured by media. She has been photographed with a prayer tattoo that reads "A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages." She also has one at the back which reads "Know your rights."
Nicole Richie has a rosary beads tattoo on her ankle. Best friend Paris Hilton was photographed with a new butterfly tattoo at the back and a tattoo that has been erased on her right butt check.
The sexy hot star of the Transformer series is a tattoo enthusiast even if her mother is not. She has a star, a Marilyn Monroe and quotes tattoo. Her tattoo reads "We will all laugh at gilded butterflies." Another one reads "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart."
Megan Fox's New Tattoo
If you look close enough you will see that this new little tattoo is in fact an Autobot symbol, most likely to symbolize her work in both Transformer movies. With Megan's out there personality and wild ways one would just simply think she got this tattoo to give props to the movie that made her a household name. However, if you are a true Megan Fox fan you should know that this photo of Megan was taken a few years back and that new tattoo on her shoulder, isn't really a tattoo at all. The Autobot symbol was photoshopped on Megan's shoulder by Empire Magazine to help promote the new Transformers movie. So to make things clear, Megan did not get a new tattoo of the Autobot symbol. As far as anyone knows Megan hasn't gotten a new tattoo in some time, unless it is somewhere that can't be seen.
Social Standards of Tattoos
The first group of people that get tattooed are those that want to fit in or feel accepted by a larger peer group such as friends, colleagues, and organizations that they are involved with. Another often more common reason for this group, is that these people get tattooed out of rebellion. This group often gets tattooed when they are adolescents because of the conflicts over identity and to show their control of their own bodies. Tattoos have to be seen before someone can get the idea to get one done and the current medias interest with tattoos strongly fuels this system. Celebrities tattoos are constantly being showcased in movies, magazines, TV shows, and all other forms of media which heavily influences adolescents decisions in getting one.
The second group of people are those who get tattooed because it means something very personal to them and helps them express their thoughts, beliefs, and ideals as well as commemorate a special memory or loved one. These people often have a larger number of tattoos and sometimes even choose to cover their whole bodies. This is obviously the more outrageous group that has a deeper understanding of what tattoos used to stand for and think less about the stigmas surrounding tattoos in our current times.
Justin Timberlake Tattoos - Between Music and Religion
Justin Randall Timberlake is a man of many talents: Pop singer, songwriter, extraordinary dancer, record producer, actor and much more.
He is not only good at making money and songs: former partner of Pop Star Britney Spears, he is now engaged with no less than super sexy Star Jessica Biel (not to mention the flirts with Cameron Diaz or Alyssa Milano).
He was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1981. He had his TV debut within "The Mickey Mouse Club" show, which included other future Top tattooed Stars such as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and JC Chasez (future band-mate in the N Sync).
As already mentioned, Justin Timberlake is a fervent believer. He was born in the so called Bible Belt, a big area of the United States stretching from Texas to Florida north to the State of Missouri. His grandfather was a Baptist minister and his father a choir director at a Baptist church.
Celebrity Tattoos - Christina Ricci
Here's a list of Christina's tattoos:
2. A fairy on the inside of her right wrist.
3. Praying hands on her left hip, which used to be a bat.
4. A bouquet of sweetpeas on her lower back.
5. The words "Move or Bleed" on the left side of her ribcage.
6. The name "Jack" on her right thigh for a dead pet.
7. A sparrow on her right breast.
8. A mermaid on her left ankle.
Christina Ricci has confessed her love for tattoos, but knows that being an actress in Hollywood you have to be careful where you get your tattoos. As of right now all her tattoos are in places that can be covered up fairly easily. Because a lot of time producers in movies do not like their actress's to be covered in tattoos, because it is a pain to have to cover them up with make up if their clothes do not cover them up. However, Christina is hoping that she will become super famous one day so she can get a tattoo on her arm.
Celebrity Tattoos - Hilary Duff
Hilary decided that it was the right time in her life to get a tattoo. She has "Let it be" written in black right under the outside of her right ankle. Hilary opened up to In Touch Magazine about her tattoo and simply told them you only live once, so why not.
"I wanted a tattoo, and you only live once. Someone came to my house and my mom and I did it together with a few of our friends.
Hilary also informed the magazine the reason behind her "Let it be" tattoo.
"I have a hectic, crazy life. Things are crazy all around me and I get stressed out. It's like, I'm just one little person so, let it be."
As soon as parents hear about Ms. Duff's tattoo let's hope the don't feel she is no longer a good role model for their children. Tattoo or no tattoo has nothing to do with what kind of person you are.
Celebrity Tattoos - Brad Pitt
The first tattoo of Brad's I'm going to start with is the one on his back. There has been a lot of speculation to what it was. But I'm here to tell you it's not a map of New Orleans. It is just a bunch of scribbles that Angelina drew on his back one night when they were playing around. Angelina said he liked the lines and decided to get them tattooed on him. There are also reports of Brad having another tattoo on his back that is a Sanskrit blessing of protection for his adopted son Maddox, that matches a similar tattoo on Angelina's body.
Another one of Brad's tattoo is of Angelina's birth date written in Khmer and it says 06/4/75. Which can be found on his stomach.
The last two tattoo's that Brad are on his forearm and one of them is an outline of Ötzi the Iceman, also known as the Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man. The other tattoo is just below his iceman. It's written in French and translates to "life is absurd,"
As far as I know these are the only tattoos that Brad has, but knowing him and Angelina I wouldn't put it past him to have another one hidden somewhere private for only he and Angelina to see.